Simian Virus 40 (SV40)


After Alexander died, we had his tumor tested for the presence of Simian Virus 40 (SV40), a carcinogenic virus and known contaminant of the polio vaccine administered to children. As we stated publicly at the National Vaccine Information Center Public Conference on Vaccination 2000 held in September 2000, the tumor demonstrated the presence of the virus. We have filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer of the oral polio vaccine – Lederle, a division of American Home Products.


June 7, 2003
Letter sent to The Honorable Dan Burton,
Chairman of the House Government Reform Subcommittee on Human Right and Wellness, to Demand a Congressional Investigation and Hearing on the Introduction of Simian Virus 40 (SV40), a Cancer-Causing Monkey Virus, into the American Population From Contaminated Polio Vaccines

November 27, 2002
NBC5 TV in Chicago.
"Polio Vaccine Virus: Possible Link to Cancer: Unit 5 Reports on Researcher's Call for More Funding"

July 29, 2002
Our Letter to the Immunization Safety Review Committee

This letter was sent to the Immunization Safety Review Committee regarding their research into Simian Virus-40 Contamination of Polio Vaccine and Cancer which took place on July 11-12, 2002 in Washington, DC. In it we discuss the dangers of SV40 to some children and the committee’s responsibility to protect the public health despite any conflicts of interest.


July 19, 2002
The Wall Street Journal

“Are Tainted Vaccines Given To Baby Boomers Now Causing Cancer?” by Sharon Begley reported that:

  • The U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) learned in 1960 that that “millions of batches of polio vaccine were accidentally laced with a simian virus.” This virus got into the vaccine because the vaccine was grown on monkey kidney cells. The PHS demanded that manufacturers remove the contaminant but made no public announcement and did not recall the contaminated vaccines already in the distribution pipeline.
  • It is estimated that two-thirds of the oral and injectable polio vaccines contained SV40 between 1955-1963.
  • SV40 is a known carcinogen that targets brain cells, the lung’s mesothelial cells, bone cells and blood cells.
  • Government data has demonstrated that “the incidence of SV40-linked cancers has risen.”


July, 15, 2001; July, 22, 2001; March 9, 2002
San Francisco Chronicle

Articles by William Carlsen on SV40, Polio Vaccine and Cancer:

  • Rogue virus in the vaccine: Early polio vaccine harbored virus now feared to cause cancer in humans
  • New documents show the monkey virus is present in more recent polio vaccine
  • Simian virus in polio shots tied to cancer: Two studies support widely disputed theory

February 2000
The Atlantic Monthly

"The Virus and the Vaccine" by Debbie Bookchin and Jim Schumacher reported that:

"A simian virus known as SV40 has been associated with a number of rare human cancers. This same virus contaminated the polio vaccine administered to 98 million Americans from 1955 to 1963. Federal health officials see little reason for concern. A growing cadre of medical researchers disagree."

February 1, 1999
Bloomberg News

Los Angeles, Feb. 1 (Bloomberg News) - “American Home Products Corp., the No. 5 U.S. drugmaker, is accused in a lawsuit of making and marketing an oral polio vaccine that caused the death of a 2 1/2 year-old Los Angeles boy.

“In a suit filed Monday in Los Angeles Superior Court, Raphaele and Michael Horwin, the parents of Alexander Roy Horwin, who died in early 1999, accused American Home of failing to warn about the dangers of Orimune, the company's oral polio vaccine...."

“According to the suit, the vaccine sometimes contains a cancer-causing virus called Simian Virus-40. The boy was given the vaccine in November 1997, and was diagnosed with a brain tumour the following August."

“After two surgeries to remove the tumour and the administering of chemotherapy, Alexander died on Jan. 31, 1999. An analysis of the tumour tissue removed from his brain revealed the presence of Simian Virus-40, the suit said.....”

December 1996
Money Magazine

"The Lethal Dangers of the Billion-Dollar Vaccine Business:
With Government Approval, Drug Companies Sell Vaccines That Can Leave Your Child Brain Damaged, Can Spread Polio From Your Baby to You – And Can Even Kill.
Safer Stuff is Available. Here’s Why You Haven’t Been Getting It"
By Andrea Rock


© Raphaele and Michael Horwin, 1999 - 2002